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The manual Kiko and the Hand. Training for Trainers Manual. Protective Teachers, Protected Children: Preschool Training to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, written by F. Javier Romeo-Biedma and Pepa Horno Goicoechea and published by the Council of Europe has just been made public. It is a satisfaction for both of us sharing this new tool that provides guidelines for the facilitation of workshops for the prevention of child sexual abuse.

This document has been created for the Council of Europe in the context of its project “Combating violence against children in the Republic of Moldova”, but it draws from our experience of many years. It is linked to the materials of the campaign “One in Five” of the Council of Europe, in which we took part in 2010 and 2011 developing materials and providing trainings. Later on, Javier provided trainings for the Council of Europe in Tunisia in 2017. And in this project Javier facilitated a training in Chișinău in October 2019 and supervised a training of trainers facilitated by Moldovan experts from the CNPAC (Centrul Național de Prevenire a Abuzului față de Copii, the National Centre for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse) with this methodology in January 2020 (more about these trainings here). The final stage of this process has been elaborating this manual, that contains in itself all the basics for implementing a Training of Trainers:

  • Chapter 1: an introduction about the methodology.
  • Chapter 2: the concept of child sexual abuse and its types.
  • Chapter 3: the consequences and indicators of child sexual abuse.
  • Chapter 4: an outline of a training for kindergarten teachers.
  • Chapter 5: the activities that need to be done with teachers in order to develop the competences required.
  • Chapter 6: the activities that teachers can do with children in their own classrooms.
  • Chapter 7: an afterword.
  • Chapter 8: the references to other resources, documents, videos and websites.

Currently it is in English and in Romanian, but we are expecting to have this book translated into other languages in the future.

We hope that you will find it useful.

F. Javier Romeo-Biedma and Pepa Horno Goicoechea

This manual in all the available versions and languages

Original version in English (with references to the legislation in the Republic of Moldova)Kiko and the Hand. Training for Trainers Manual. Protective Teachers, Protected Children: Preschool Training to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse. Download the manual in English (with Moldovan legislation).